Santa Monica Proper Hotel

Santa Monica Proper Hotel

The Santa Monica Proper is a 321,617-square‐foot luxury hotel featuring a new seven-story cast-in-place concrete structure and four-level subterranean parking garage added to the historic renovation and adaptive reuse of the 1928 landmark Professional Building. The scope included the conversion of office spaces to hotel rooms in the historical structure and a structural retrofit. Amenities include 271 guest rooms, retail and restaurant space, meeting and event spaces, spa, fitness facility, and rooftop pool.


Morley Construction Company self-performed all cast-in-place concrete for the project, totaling 19,100 cubic yards of concrete. The new building features curvaceous waveforms of exposed concrete, while the rehabilitation of the existing structure preserves the property’s Y-shaped tower. The buildings connect through a podium-level bridge. The geometric structure required in-depth preplanning, complex customization, and close coordination with material suppliers to ensure that the team successfully maintained production without deviating from the architectural design.




Project Details:

  • Project Size: 321,617 gsf
  • 19,161 cy of concrete


The Kor Group

General Contractor:

Benchmark Contractors, Inc.


Howard Laks Architects

LEED Rating:



  • Los Angeles Conservancy Preservation Awards – Preservation Award
  • Southern California Development Forum Design and Philanthropy Awards – Hospitality
  • Southern California Development Forum Design and Philanthropy Awards - Historic Preservation Award
  • Los Angeles Business Council Architectural Awards – Hospitality
  • Westside Urban Forum - Honor Award, Hotel
  • Santa Monica Conservancy - Preservation Award
  • Los Angeles Business Journal Commercial Real Estate Awards – Silver Award, Hospitality
  • ACI Pankow & Concrete Awards (Southern California Chapter) - Outstanding Achievement & Excellence in Concrete Construction
  • Los Angeles Business Council Architectural Awards – Under Construction

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